After the fire: Scientists turn to drones and lasers to keep forests healthy | The Star
April 11, 2023
March 23, 2023
Canada’s forest products industry is the lifeblood of over 600 communities.
2023 SFI Annual Conference in collaboration with PEFC Week in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, from May 14-18, 2023
March 10, 2023
Miitigoog Directors Attend SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY INITIATIVE® Conference in Madison, Wisconsin
June 24, 2022
June 14 through 17, 4 Miitigoog Directors attended the annual SFI® Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. The purpose of this conference is to connect leaders within the Sustainable Forestry sectors and...
St. Louis School Tree Plant
May 18, 2022
St. Louis Students took advantage of a beautiful day and planted 18 trees in the forest on school property. Trees were supplied by Miisun, and enough were donated to allow...
Warming Shelter Opens, Miisun Donates
December 20, 2021
With Winter seemingly now here in full force, Moving Kenora Forward has been hard at work to ensure their Warming Shelter is fully equipped to help those in need. With...
St. Thomas Aquinas High School Students Take Forestry Field Trip
December 20, 2021
On December 3, 2021, the grade STAHS 10-12 Outdoor Education classes, led by Steve Mastromatteo and Kathrine Holmstrom, were treated to a very interesting experience when they got to witness...
Beaver Brae Secondary School Students Experience Forestry First-hand
November 3, 2021
On October 27th, about 50 Grade 9 students from Beaver Brae Secondary School were treated to a full day of new experiences, where they had the opportunity to participate in...
2021 Kenora & Whiskey Jack Forest Slash Pile Burn Programs
October 27, 2021
Starting November 8, 2021, Miisun will be conducting slash pile burning throughout the Kenora and Whiskey Jack Forests. Thick smoke should be expected in areas that are being treated, and...